eBird GPS track downloader

Version 1.01 —

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NEW: eBird GPS track downloader is now available as a browser extension for Firefox and Chrome. You might prefer to install the browser extension instead of the bookmarklet as documented on this page. Right now both the extension and the bookmarklet are functionally identical, but any future development will focus on the extension.

Link to Firefox extension

Link to Chrome extension

This tool provides a bookmark that you can click to export an eBird GPS track to a .gpx file.

The tool must be installed as a "bookmarklet". Bookmarklets are probably unfamiliar to most people but you can read about them on Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bookmarklet. You will have a bookmark for the tool; when you are on an eBird checklist page that has a GPS track, simply click the bookmark, and a dialog titled "Opening eBird track.gpx" will open. Select "Save File" and click OK. This will create the file "ebird track.gpx" which you can open in a map application such as Google Earth.

I don't understand why, but you must first save the file, then open the file in Google Earth. Trying to open the download directly in Google Earth without saving a file doesn't work.

If you open the file in Google Earth, which you can do by drag and drop, you'll get this dialog:

Google Earth dialog

It doesn't seem to matter whether or not you check "Create KML Tracks" but you must check "Create KML LineStrings". Also, it's important to leave "Adjust altitudes to ground height" checked.

How to install the bookmarklet on Windows

Probably you have never installed a bookmarklet before, so take care to follow these simple instructions exactly.

Click and drag this button eBird GPS track to your Bookmarks Toolbar (Firefox), bookmarks bar (Chrome), or favorites bar (Edge). Important: click and drag. If you just click without dragging, you'll only get an error message.

If you want your bookmark to be somewhere else other than a toolbar, you can use your browser's bookmark manager to move it once you've installed it.


I am not personally equipped to test on Mac, but the bookmarklet has been reported to work just the same as on Windows, at least with Firefox.

Mobile devices

There isn't a way to install the bookmarklet directly on a mobile device. The only approach is to install it on Windows and synchronize your bookmarks. I personally don't synchronize bookmarks so I can't test this. I'm not sure if there are mobile apps that read .gpx files anyway.

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